Deep Water Culture Anatomy
Contrary to popular belief, DWC is a very simple and straighforward approach to Hydroponics. It is the best setup for beginners to learn about Hydroponics, and the best setup for reliability & longevity in my opinion.

Deep Water culture works on the principal that a plant needs both a quick and consistent supply of water, oxygen, and nutrients. Your plant will eventually grow it's roots directly into the reservoir, however will not drown due to the airstone/air pump which constantly pumps in fresh oxygen to those roots. Furthermore, the nutrient solution is diluted directly into the water giving the plant an instant source to nutrition without having to wait until it becomes available. It is a scientific approach to growing, however it relies on the basic principals of nature but with amplified results. Also, since plants are potted individually, they will not have to compete for root space and nutrients. This will also benefit the grower should a fungus or disease contamination manifest, by allowing plants to be individually quarantined. 

Below is a list of items needed to build your own Deep Water Culture 3-5 gallon Independent Hydroponic System:

  • Standard 3 or 5 Gallon Bucket/Pail (preferably a dark color)
  • Standard Aquarium/Air Pump & Air Hose
  • 6-12" Airstone
  • 6" or 8" Bucket Baskets or Net Pots and Bucket Lid
  • Hydroton or Clay Pellets
  • Optional: Air Pump Check Valve 
  • Optional: 3"-6" Rockwool Cubes (Easy cleanup after Harvest)
  • Optional: .5"-.75" Hose (For Drainage and measuring Water Level)
  • Optional: .5"-.75" Elbow Fitting and Grommet (For Drainage and measuring Water Level)
  • Total Estimated Cost: $35-$45
**It's crucial that you choose a bucket/pail which does not allow light into the reservoir. If light enters your reservoir it will produce algae and kill roots. For this reason I recommend taking a small LED flashlight when purchasing your bucket, and shine it through the outside of the pail to see if light enters the chamber. In Addition, stay away from metallic buckets which can oxidize and rust over time.

Additional Supplies Needed Over Time:
  • 2 or 3 Part Complete Liquid Nutrient Solution
  • PHup & PHdown Solution
  • PH Tester
  • H202 (over the counter Hydrogen Peroxide)
  • Fungicide Solution
  • Rooting Hormone (Clonex, Rooting Powder etc.)
  • Water Temperature Thermometer

If you want to use 2 Independent Units:
  • Two-way Airline Splitter & Airline Hoses
  • Additional Airstone
  • 1 single outlet Air Pump will work fine as long as it's rated to at least 15 gallons

If you want to use 4 Independent Units:
  • Dual Outlet Air Pump rated at 30 gallons or more
  • Two Way Airline Splitter & Air Hoses - QTY 2/ea.
  • Additional Airstones
**Never turn off your air pump while the air hose is connected to the reservoir. This will result in a syphen, where the water will pressurize and back pedal directly into the air pump causing a short circuit or worse. I recommend always using a check valve which are usually under $5 a piece, and will save you from disaster during a blackout.

Where to buy Items & Supplies:
  • Lowes, Home Depot, or any Hardware/Home Improvement Store
  • Your local or online Hydroponic Store
  • Wal-mart or Target
  • Petco/Petsmart (Air Pump, Airstones, Airhose, PHup/down, Water Conditioner, Thermometer, & Algae Remover)
**Always purchase one or more additional buckets/pails for easy and safe cleanup. You can simply transfer your bucket basket with plant (or lid & net pot) to an empty bucket, so you can thoroughly clean the reservoir with water/bleach during flushings. 

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